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Commissioned by the CBDNA (College Band Director's National Association) with support by members of a consortia organized by Dr. Nikk Pilato, Emory University
I spiritoso e energico II Misterioso III Grande e con forza
Orchesterbesetzung: pic(amp).4.2.ca.Ebcl.7(1.amp).bcl.2asax.tsax.barsax.2.cbsn-4.3.2.btbn.2euph.1-timp.3perc(I. crot, mar [5 octave, amp], bng, timbale, tam-t [sm], sus cym [sm], brake d, stainless steel mixing bowl [Tovolo brand], mark tree, wind chimes, 2sus tri [sm], wdbl; II. vib, 4tom-t, tam-t [med], sus cym [med], brake d, stainless steel mixing bowl [Tovolo brand], mark tree, wind chimes, 2sus tri [med], wdbl; III. xyl, tub bells, concert b.d, tom-t [20”x20”], 2cong, tam-t [lg], sus cym [lg], brake d, stainless steel mixing bowl [Tovolo brand], 2sus tri [lg], wdbl)-pno(amp)-2db |